Business Planning

Strategic Mapping Model™

BUSINESS PLANNING (Strategic Mapping model™)

Schedule a Business Planning Session with Natalie if you’re a business owner looking for Clarity, Direction, and a Plan.

The Strategic Mapping Model™ is a strategic operational plan. It is the foundation for any business at any stage, any scale, any industry, and really all business models. This is the entry point. It allows us to get a full picture of the business and understand its scope, complexities, and the risks and opportunities that inherently exist in it.’

The Strategic Mapping Model™ is for us to gather and prioritize information. It also calibrates the business. It ties the strategic vision to the day-to-day activities. The SMM will prioritize business activities. By looking at the foundation first, you can think of strategic mapping as a modern-day business plan.

Ultimately, this process gets you and me together on the same page, communicating about business objectives and priorities and where you, as the leader, want to take the company. This is foundational for scaling a business.

What you get:

  • Three 90-minute sessions

  • Workbooks & Resources

  • Clarity, direction, and a plan for your business

  • Additional resources and support for you and your team

  • A customized PDF report including information from all sessions and the next steps/recommendations laid out for your business

The Benefits:

✓ Peace of mind that you have a plan
✓ Productivity, Prioritization, and Organization mapped out
✓ Mission / Vision / Values structured for your business
✓ Checklists + Projects clearly mapped out
✓ Clarity, Direction, and a Plan
✓ Quarterly + Annual Goals/Plan
✓ Advanced options to work with an experienced, certified team

Session 1

  • Mission / Vision / Values / Boundaries

Session 2

  • 7 Strategic Objectives: Gather information specific to your business for each objective

Session 3

  • Prioritize the projects and work on your quarterly + annual plan

Final Deliverables

✓ You’ll receive the final report, next steps, and opportunities

✓ You’ll finally have a calming sense of peace with a plan in place